In the past few months, Nevada, Arkansas, and North Dakota became the most recent states to adopt the Federal Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule. They join more than 30 other states that have either authorized or adopted the federal package of rule changes. The final rule consists of more than 60 changes to the hazardous waste generator regulations that identify and clarify existing requirements and ultimately improve the environment.

Haz Waste Generator Improvement Rule

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued this final rule in 2016 as a much-needed update to the regulation to make it easier to understand, to facilitate better compliance, to provide flexibility in how hazardous waste is managed and, to close important gaps in the regulations.  After the rule was finalized, it became immediately effective in some states; however, most state environmental agencies were given the authority to review the changes and make decisions on their applicability to the businesses in their state.

State Adoption

EPA's website includes a map of the states’ adoption status for this rule and a chart with links to each state's regulations.  These items show all states which have adopted or authorized the rules or have the rules in place administered by the EPA as of January 21, 2021. Our Cornerstone waste experts can assist with knowing how the rule change could affect your business.  Contact us at or on our website