Occupational Exposure to Crystalline Silica: Possible Revisions

There are 2.3 million people in the U.S. alone that are exposed to silica at their workplace. Silica can be found in materials like sand, stone, concrete, and mortar which are in products such as glass, pottery, ceramics, brick, and artificial stone. High exposure to silica can result in diseases like Silicosis, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and kidney disease. The action level OSHA established is 25 µg/m3 and the permissible exposure limit is 50 µg/m3.

On March 25, 2016, OSHA made a final decision regarding occupational exposure to respirable crystalline silica. The standard established much needed action levels and permissible exposure limits which are calculated based on an eight-hour time-weighted average. The standard, however, did not establish a medical removal provision and only established medical surveillance provisions. Medical removal provisions are important for OSHA recordkeeping because if an employee meets or exceeds the limits during their medical surveillance, the employee must be removed from work. When an employee is removed from work for a medical condition or after surveillance, it is considered a recordable injury/illness due to an employee accumulating days away from work or restricted work. As of January 2023, there is not an established medical removal provision for crystalline silica, but there is a strong possibility this may change this year.

In the Spring of 2022, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit concluded that OSHA failed to explain why a medical removal provision was not included in the 2016 decision. As a result, a meeting to discuss further consideration was created and deliberation is currently scheduled for May 2023. If the change is made, it would have a major impact on industries across the country.

The importance of adding a medical removal provision, from an OSHA recordkeeping and employee health standpoint, is apparent but this doesn’t include a company’s financial and employee and employer relations point of view. Hypothetically, let’s assume that a company’s grinding operation exposes a dozen associates to a level where they are required to be medically removed from work. The grinding operation would need to be halted completely until certain controls have been made to reduce exposure for associates to continue working. Depending on the severity of the exposure, this could take months or even years to install equipment or create a respiratory protection program that reduces or eliminates exposure. This same company would also have to communicate this information to their employees, who may choose to leave due to unhealthy working conditions.

This potential change is one of many examples of why air sampling monitoring is vital to maintain a safe work environment. Silica monitoring should be completed at least on an annual basis or whenever there are process changes that may affect employees’ level of exposure to silica. In most cases, air sampling monitoring for silica can be completed in a single day with results coming back within the same month. Lastly, whether a medical removal provision is added or not in May 2023, there is a strong likelihood one will be established in the future, so getting a head start on monitoring and, if necessary, creating exposure controls will help long term.

Tyler Sandy is a Health and Safety Specialist and consults with clients in the area of worker safety. Tyler's experience includes industrial hygiene services, safety training, RCRA as well as OSHA and EPA compliance. His experience includes working with the packaging industry, railroad, welding, warehouse, food and medical waste, chemical manufacturing, and casting.

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