On Monday, October 5, 2020, the CDC issued updated guidance to its “How COVID-19 Spreads” website, which includes information about the potential for airborne spread of the virus that causes COVID-19. The CDC stated that people are more likely to become infected the longer and closer they are to a person with COVID-19.  This update acknowledges the existence of some published reports showing limited, uncommon circumstances where people with COVID-19 infected others who were more than 6 feet away or shortly after the COVID-19-positive person left an area.  In these instances, transmission occurred in poorly ventilated and enclosed spaces that involved activities that caused heavier breathing, such as singing or exercise.  Such environments and activities may contribute to a buildup of virus-carrying particles. People can protect themselves from the virus that causes COVID-19 by staying at least 6 feet away from others, wearing a mask that covers their nose and mouth, washing their hands frequently, cleaning commonly touched surfaces often and staying home when sick.

Are you using the correct face coverings?

2020 will always be remembered for COVID-19. Companies were faced with having to adapt quickly their workplace to protect employees.  Early on, Cornerstone EHS became involved in providing guidance to its clients to work through these adaptations.  One of the most confusing changes for our clients was understanding the differences in types of face masks. The term “face mask” was used frequently when talking about protections for COVID-19. But the use of this term led to a lot of confusion and questions. What exactly is a face mask? And what purpose does it serve? The most important thing to know is that not all face masks qualify as personal protective equipment (PPE).

Non-PPE Face Coverings

Examples of face masks and cloth face coverings that do not qualify as PPE can include bandanas, scarfs, cloth masks, non-medical grade surgical masks, and more. The purpose of these types of face masks and cloth face coverings are intended to keep the wearer from infecting others via spreading his or her bodily secretions during talking, coughing, and sneezing. These types of face masks and face coverings are not designed to protect the wearer from the environment.  Employers that provide and allow these types of face masks and face coverings must make sure they are worn correctly. For single-use items, they must be properly disposed after wearing. If reusable, they should be laundered after wearing.

PPE Grade Face Coverings

Face masks that do qualify as PPE include respirators are N95 Filtering Facepiece and medical-grade surgical masks. According to the CDC, the use of PPE-level face coverings should be required for high-risk occupations. ​ High Exposure Risk Level jobs are those with high potential for exposure to known or suspected sources of COVID-19. Industrial workers in this category include:
    • occupational health delivery – for example, the plant nurse or the EHS Manager who may be part of the response team assigned to evaluate any sick workers
    • support staff that interact with personnel exposed or suspected to have COVID-19
​When respiratory protection is required, the employer must implement a respirator program that meets the requirements of OSHA’s Respiratory Protection standard, 29 CFR 1910.134. This includes a written program, medical evaluations, fit testing, and training.

Proper Donning and Doffing

Whether or not face masks and face coverings qualify as PPE, it is important to put on and remove both types of this equipment correctly. Individuals must be careful not to touch their eyes, nose, and mouth when donning and doffing.  Finally, you must wash your hands immediately after removal. ​ The CDC website offers posters with detailed instructions at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/using-ppe.html

More Information

Cornerstone’s trained industrial safety professionals are experts in all types of PPE and infectious disease prevention programs.  Contact us to take the confusion out of protecting your employees at info@corner-enviro.com or (317) 733-2637. ​