Reporting deadlines for air emissions, hazardous chemicals, and workplace injuries are all approaching quickly in the first quarter of 2021.


This year the OSHA Form 300A will be particularly difficult for many businesses as COVID-19 workplace exposure must be included in some cases.  Determining exactly which incidences and how much information to this novel pandemic virus to include will be a new experience for every business. “There are so many uncertainties on how to report this year,” said David Blane, Senior Health and Safety Specialist.  “Our clients have had questions about determining if the exposures were work related; whether home quarantine should be counted as a lost time incident; and if time off work while waiting for test results should be considered lost time also.”

EPA Reports

In the midst of all that, companies still have to keep on top of their normal business reports.  In some cases, EPA has extended the deadlines to give businesses more time, such as the TSCA CDR report which is normally due on September 30 but has been extended to January 29. However, the environmental agency has not announced any extension for the other regular reports, so Cornerstone is hard at work getting our client’s data gathered in preparation. “Tier 2 especially takes time to coordinate for our clients if they are not already using our FOUNDATION system,” said John Scifres, Director of Environmental, Health and Safety Services. “We try to hit the ground running early in January in those cases if we can.  Having the Tier 2 report prepared well before the deadline takes a lot of pressure off of our staff and our clients’ EH&S managers.” Our clients that use our FOUNDATION SDS Management and Chemical Inventory System have even less to worry about as the software creates the Tier 2 form automatically. Never miss a deadline with Cornerstone's EH&S experts on your side.  Contact us at or on our website
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