A process hazard analysis (PHA) provides information that can assist employers and employees in improving safety and reducing the consequences of unwanted or unplanned releases of hazardous chemicals. A PHA is an integral of a process safety management program (to be  highlighted in a later post). A PHA is an organized and systematic effort to identify and analyze the significance of potential hazards associated with the processing or handling of highly hazardous chemicals. A PHA analyzes potential causes and consequences of fires, explosions, releases of toxic or flammable chemicals, and major spills of hazardous chemicals. The PHA focuses on equipment, instrumentation, utilities, human actions (routine and non-routine), and external factors that might affect the process. The ideal team conducting the PHA will have varied operational and technical backgrounds with knowledge of the standards, codes, specifications, and regulations applicable to the process being studied.   Your PHA team can assist managers in prioritizing which processes should be the highest priority to result in the greatest improvement of safety at the facility. ——————————————————————————————————— Cassie Lee is an Account Manager and Business Development Professional with over a decade of experience in environmental consulting.  You can reach her at clee@corner-enviro.com or 317-983-1719 with any questions or for assistance on topics mentioned in this or other posts.