When introducing new clients to our FOUNDATION SDS Management system, there are three questions we are frequently asked.
      • Does OSHA allow electronic systems?
      • What happens if the internet goes down at my facility?
      • What happens if Cornerstone’s system goes down and I can't access my information?
The answer to the first question is easy.  The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has allowed electronic access to safety data sheets (SDSs) since 1989.  FOUNDATION complies with all OSHA guidelines on electronic systems. Modern industrial facilities do not need to have multiple bulky, messy binders full of paper print outs.

What happens if the internet goes down at my facility?

The answer to this question is a little more involved. The FOUNDATION system is cloud-based.  What does that mean?  That means SDSs and the underlying data are stored on the Internet by our hosting provider.  Authorized users can access their SDSs from any internet-connected device, whether that is a computer, tablet, or even your phone. So, if there is a network outage at a facility, the program can be still accessed from other devices with an Internet connection, such as a laptop from home or a tablet in a coffee shop.  Users can also use a phone or tablet with an internet connection as a hotspot, thus providing access to the FOUNDATION platform. The bottom line is, with a working internet connection, users have access to their FOUNDATION system.

What happens if Cornerstone’s system goes down?

Question three is more complicated. At Cornerstone, we have implemented numerous safeguards and do everything in our power to ensure users have uninterrupted access to their FOUNDATION systems. We understand that, in an emergency, access to SDS information in SDSs can be critical for our clients. The application and data are hosted by one of the premier cloud-based providers in the world. On that platform, we have built FOUNDATION with redundant system architecture.  If one part of the system fails, there is a backup system ready to take its place until a permanent fix can be applied. This hosting platform also allows us to scale FOUNDATION quickly and we have the ability to scale computing power, bandwidth, and space instantly when the need arises. We also perform regular backups of the application and data to help guard against any unforeseen circumstances.  If an incident occurs, using backup data in conjunction with the scalability noted above, Cornerstone can have the FOUNDATION back online very quickly. Additionally, Cornerstone provides clients with the ability to perform their own backup.  Users that have been authorized to use the backup module, just log in to the Foundation and with a couple of clicks, request and download a static backup of the facility’s SDSs.

We take the security and accessibility of your data seriously.

All these capabilities we mentioned above work together to provide our clients with peace of mind that the FOUNDATION system will be there when needed.  For more information about Cornerstone’s FOUNDATION SDS Management System, contact Cornerstone at info@corner-enviro.com, on our website at https://www.cornerstone-ehs.com/contact-us/ or call (317) 733-2637.