Electronic Services Josh Sampia Electronic Services Josh Sampia

Using Artificial Intelligence to Interpret and Predict ESG Initiatives

I think there is a misunderstanding in today’s world regarding what AI is and what it can do. The latest trend is generative AI, a form of artificial intelligence capable of generating new content. This can be seen from things like ChatGPT, which can write entire novels when given a prompt on a particular subject, or DALL-E, which can create amazing images. Not every AI falls into this category, though. Other types of AI, such as predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms, are also relevant. This distinction is helpful in realizing that AI cannot independently generate completely new ideas; AI models are trained on existing data and patterns. Recognizing this fact will help set realistic expectations for what AI can and cannot do. It will not create an unknown product that the world has never seen.

“If the hot new fad is AI, surely there must be some way to incorporate that into our current business to make us more efficient.” The answer is yes! AI algorithms can analyze large datasets to identify trends, assess environmental impacts, or evaluate organizational social governance practices.

AI can make all aspects of your company’s environmental, health, and safety goals more efficient. You can leverage current AI tools with no platform by feeding it your data and asking for suggestions on improvements. For example, you can train generative AI with your current accident data. With a few of the correct prompts, it can generate a safety plan to help improve worker safety or perhaps identify vulnerabilities you haven’t even thought of.

In the future, AI will not only interpret existing data but also predict our future goals. Using predictive analytics and AI-driven forecasting models, we can anticipate environmental risks, forecast resource demands, and predict social trends. Looking further into the future, I can envision a scenario where workers wear AI components to help them identify hazards, prevent injuries, or even maximize their productivity.

There are some drawbacks to AI that also need to be considered. Ultimately, the predictive models are only as good as the data given to them. Companies are also responsible for protecting private individual data. It’s essential to make sure the data is high-quality and ethically handled. Companies must have a transparency and accountability policy regarding sensitive data.

AI technologies will have a positive and profound impact on sustainability, social responsibility, and corporate governance, and I encourage you to begin researching how AI data-driven models can help your company right now.

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Electronic Services Yabelin Batista Electronic Services Yabelin Batista

What to Expect During FOUNDATION Training

Cornerstone offers different training modules depending on what type of electronic service a user has access to including FOUNDATION Training, File Cabinet, Calendar Compliance, and Vision Training.

Recently, I was asked to assist with training for the FOUNDATION (SDS Management) System. Although I often work with the FOUNDATION system internally at Cornerstone, learning to lead one of these training events introduced me to many new features of the system which can benefit all users.

In our FOUNDATION training, we cover:

  • How to use the provided submittal form to help with adding and removing Safety Data Sheets (SDS).

  • How to locate an SDS through simple and advanced search options by using any category or site-specific cross-reference set-up

  • How the advanced search can be customized to fit your needs.

    • Do you need to quickly find which chemicals have an EHS in the constituents?

    • Do you need to have the ability to identify which materials have the highest VOC to ensure continual Air Permit compliance?

  • How to print secondary container labels based on the GHS information on the SDS which is entered by Cornerstone’s Chemical Management Department.

  • Maintaining current Tier II reporting year inventory for each SDS or product.

  • How to access past reported Tier II reports.

Please join us for one of our monthly FOUNDATION training sessions to learn about the many things that your system has to offer.

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Electronic Services Bill Hess Electronic Services Bill Hess

Making the P2 Connection with the FOUNDATION Product Approval Module

Passage of the Pollution Prevention Act by Congress in 1990 was intended to focus industry as well as the U.S. public on efforts to reduce the amount of pollution being generated across the country.

The law gave the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) the responsibility and the authority to develop and implement a source reduction strategy. As a result, EPA worked to integrate Pollution Prevention (P2) practices into general industry and reduce pollution “at the source” and not at the tailpipe, outfall, or landfill. The Act also required that EPA collect and disseminate information related to P2 to the public.

After passage of EPA’s mandate, each state then implemented its own P2 program which the federal law required to be as or more stringent than the program implemented by EPA. In the early 1990s, Indiana, for instance, adopted a very narrow definition whereby true Pollution Prevention could only be achieved through process change, in-process closed-loop recycling, or input substitution.

Using Indiana’s model as an example, the state’s goal was to reduce pollution through improved efficiency, recycling/reusing waste before it could be sent to a landfill, and by making changes to the raw materials used in the manufacturing process (input substitution). By focusing on the raw materials used in, or incidental to, production, a facility could identify less toxic materials to facilitate more environmentally safe production processes.

How can Cornerstone help your facility improve its P2 performance?

In the early 1990s, Cornerstone developed a chemical inventory system to analyze and track the chemical composition of materials used in production and manufacturing. Over time, Cornerstone’s chemical inventory system was further developed by adding SDS management to create the current FOUNDATION SDS Management and Chemical Inventory System. In addition, FOUNDATION determines the applicability of substances to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), Clean Air Act, and OSHA regulations to help ensure continuous compliance.

While working with IDEM (the Indiana Department of Environmental Management) during the development of its P2 program, Cornerstone introduced me to the methodology of using a chemical inventory system to assist with Input Substitution. It seemed like the perfect tool to support P2 efforts through the identification of materials that could be substituted thereby protecting the environment (i.e., P2) and creating safer workplaces.

What can FOUNDATION’s Product Approval Module do?

The Product Approval Module in FOUNDATION enables users to fully evaluate and approve (or reject) materials to be used in their operation. The regulatory lists reviewed range from EPCRA, HAPs, Proposition 65 Chemicals, Carcinogens, Reach, ROHS, and can also incorporate customer-specific restrictions and chemicals of concern. Candidate lists are generated for each applicable regulation to which a chemical is subject. The Product Approval Module is also useful in compiling information for ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) reporting related to customer requirements.

If a team of individuals is responsible for approving materials to be used in production, Cornerstone’s IT team works with the client to create a fully customized Product Approval system which enables mutual review, evaluation, and approval. A streamlined online approval process such as this eliminates delays in review and ensures a holistic approach product review.

Further Information

For more information or a webinar on our Product Approval system, please contact Cornerstone or your Sales Representative.

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Electronic Services General Electronic Services General

SDS and Document Hosting

A few years ago, Cornerstone was approached by a client that needed to improve how they were delivering branded safety data sheets (SDSs) to users of their products after they determined their staff was spending an excessive amount of time responding to these requests. Having used our IT solutions in the past, they reached out for support to design an automated, efficient system to manage this process and thus our SDS (and document) hosting platform was born.

How does a hosting platform work?

A document hosting application allows customers to visit your web site, search for the document they need and download it immediately.

Let’s look at an example. You sell cleaning products. You have a customer who is looking for an SDS for your brand of stainless steel polish. The customer would visit your website and click on a link which would forward them to a page to begin an SDS search.

After typing in ‘stainless steel polish’, they would be presented with the SDSs that best match from the hundreds of products you sell. The customer then clicks on a link to the exact product they need which would be displayed a PDF of the SDS that can be downloaded or printed.

With Cornerstone’s hosting platform, not only can you deliver SDSs more efficiently, the system also allows for easy distribution of other documents for the products you sell such as technical data sheets, instructions, manuals, or diagrams.

Sounds like it could be expensive and time consuming to set up, right? That’s where Cornerstone’s SDS and Document Hosting solution comes in. Our team will get you up and running quickly, cost effectively and with minimal IT resources required on your part.

Depending on your specific needs, our hosting solution can be deployed as a standalone website or can be seamlessly integrated into your existing website.

Some of the additional features of our Professional plan level include:

  • User definable fields

  • Password protection at the site level and at the document level if needed

  • Multi-language site support

  • Multi-language document support

  • Automated document distribution

For more information about Cornerstone’s SDS and Document Hosting platform, contact Cornerstone at info@corner-enviro.com, on our website at https://www.cornerstone-ehs.com/contact-us/ or call (317) 733-2637.

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Electronic Services Josh Sampia Electronic Services Josh Sampia

Go Beyond Recordkeeping with an Automated Employee Training Tracking System

Maintaining accurate training records is important for many reasons including compliance with federal, state, and local laws, conformance with quality standards, as well as improving worker safety and overall productivity. However, many companies continue to rely upon spreadsheets and cumbersome manual processes to track employee training. It is important to ensure a solid process is in place for tracking and maintaining training records. Without such a system, vital training may be missed, leaving employees either unsafe or unqualified for their positions. In addition, your organization may be cited for non-compliance if a regulatory agency performs an audit, and the required data cannot be retrieved.

Develop a Process for Tracking and Maintaining Records

We have been asked by clients numerous times how they should manage training information to help ensure their team is more productive, capable, and safe. The most effective way to track training is to use an automated system to manage the information and tasks involved in the process. A system such as this may be incorporated into a Quality and/or Worker Health and Safety Program to ensure all training requirements are met and the necessary data is captured to maintain certifications and/or OSHA compliance.

Typical Training Data to Track and Record

What should you keep track of, and what is the most effective process? Although organizations may have unique recordkeeping needs, training tracking systems commonly include the following information:

  • Training required for each role

  • Frequency of each training type

  • Completion and refresher dates of training

  • License and certification validity

  • Training course materials

  • Course assessments

  • Employee evaluations

What tasks can be automated?

  • Assignments of training based on an employee’s role

  • Rescheduling of refresher training, as needed, based on the frequency of requirements

  • Notifications to employees who require training

  • Easily accessible records of evidence in the event of an audit

  • Training class rosters

In addition to automating all of the required tasks for training tracking, metrics such as training effectiveness and course assessments can be accessed. Other performance indicators, like how often licenses or qualifications lapse, or the percentage of employees trained, can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of your training program.

Additional Benefits of an Effective Training Tracking System

In today’s business climate, one of the most important benefits of a training program is attracting, training, and retaining employees. You can leverage training tracking to see where employees are deficient and train them in the areas needed. Furthermore, if employees are not continually learning, it may prompt them to look elsewhere for opportunities that foster personal growth.

In short, using automated training tracking tools will help managers become more efficient with their training efforts, which promotes safety, increases job satisfaction, and creates a more educated, skillful, and productive workforce.

Further Information

Cornerstone offers Training Tracking software that helps users capture and retrieve the necessary information to remain current and compliant with applicable regulatory requirements. Our software automates the training process with features such as email reminders, mass scheduling, and monitoring the completion of courses. Contact us to discuss integrating this Training Tracking system into your operations.

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