Environmental, Health and Safety Services

Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and Remediation

We believe there are a number of aspects to our philosophy and capabilities that distinguish us as an environmental site assessment and remediation consulting source. Although Phase I and Phase II ESA-related services require a specific set of skills, the ability to provide comprehensive environmental consulting services for our clients as part of a remediation project is also of great importance.

Phase 1 ESA

The purpose of a Phase I ESA is to identify, to the extent feasible, Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) in connection with a site and will provide a professional opinion as to the potential for contamination from hydrocarbon or hazardous waste to exist, which may require remedial action.

Phase 2 ESA

Phase II ESAs are conducted in order to obtain further understanding of the potential environmental liabilities for a property and the financial impacts of such liabilities and involve the collection and analysis of soil, groundwater, and/or site building materials to assess the presence and extent of hazardous chemicals that are suspected or have been identified during the Phase I assessment.


  • Characterize the extent of groundwater contamination

  • Assess health risks

  • Identify and review potential remedial action alternatives

  • Determine the feasibility of implementing these alternatives

  • Select and implement the most appropriate cleanup strategies


Risk-Driven Site-Investigation Approach:

Our planning focuses on site investigations that are “risk-driven.” This approach allows us to identify the most efficient and cost-effective site remedy at the outset of the investigation. Our risk-driven approach prevents the collection of unnecessary field data and fosters a negotiating stance with regulators that minimizes the potential for major expansions of scope later.

Primary Attention to Realistic Approaches:

The key limitation of the typical practice of site assessment is the naive use of guidance as a legal directive and the simplistic use of inappropriate and/or overly-conservative cleanup goals or standards rather than realistic approaches to estimate exposure and potential health risk.

Environmental Compliance Resources:

Cornerstone provides a complete range of environmental services with our staff of over fifty employees.

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